Startup news

startups + AI/ML admin todayMay 1, 2024 123 5

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Founders know for sure what it takes to climb up the startup ecosystem food chain. The more consistent and brave the team, the more results one can achieve.

Not only building the best class products is of great importance. Not less important is to be trackable on radars of your customers and investors.

For the Spartan, those substantial efforts building a great product along with the best team, started to payoff.

The team just appeared on the radars of various VCs interested in AI/ML evolution at the Edge.

Ahead is a long way of building the best products, brand awareness and recognition. The way paved by tons of sweat, efforts, breaking the limits of possible.

Spartan became a finalist of Women led startup competition.

Thanks go to Forum Ventures, Canva Fund, Lattitude Ventures, Hearst VC, Female Founders Fund, The Artemis Fund for such great event and possibility to articulate Spartan vision!

Didn’t win this time. Seemed we liked to compete…

We’re ready to walk it.

Stay tuned. A lot of news ahead!

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