Technology Spartans



Leonidas was a fifth century Spartan military king whose stand against the invading Persian army at the pass of Thermopylae in central Greece is one of the enduring tales of Greek heroism invoked throughout Western history as the epitome of bravery exhibited against overwhelming odds.

After the Persian army of Xerxes invaded Greece, the Spartan army prepared to join the armies of the other Greek states and march to face the Persians, so Leonidas bravely led a small force of Greeks, mostly his Spartan royal guard, but also Thespian and Thebans, against the much larger Persian army, at the pass of Thermopylae in 480 B.C.

Spartan team intelligence allowed Leonidas and his men to hold the pass for 3 days. It gave valuable time to the Greek armies to prepare for battle and later defeat the Persians.

About SpartanShield

SpartanShield is a team of seasoned entrepreneurs and technology visioners with the focus on product development in the following business domains:

  • AI/ML
  • Device Management
  • IOT
  • SmartHome
  • Enterprise Security

We believe in

Innovation – We are reshaping what’s possible via cutting-edge technologies merged into existing ecosystems and infrastructure. With the help of our products customers can innovate and adopt ubiquitous digitalization much faster.

Global Reach – With R&D teams distributed across North America, Europe, we are well-positioned to better support the global nature of our customers.

Streamlined Customer Experience – We deliver 24 x 365 customer support — together with the most reliable and extensible Cloud, AI/ML technologies — to ensure our customers’ success. Customers have their product issues resolved  whenever they need it.

Our Products

SpartanShield is pleased to share a vision of AIonization for your Device Fleet.

That is a reality of AI/ML Device Management Platform for the Edge and Cloud.

AIΩnize Your Device:

SpartanShield AI/ML Router Platform – Searches and discovers among all available AI/ML models for a given device type and automatically provisions the best match. AI/ML processing shifted from the Cloud to the Edge.

SpartanShield FogEdge – Tunes, pre-trains and deploys selected AI/ML models to devices.

SpartanShield Video – Video streaming and AI/ML model management, orchestration and provisioning for Cameras.

1309 Coffeen Avenue STE 1200

Sheridan, WY

  •  208 996 2354

  • 813 995 8574